Social perspectives of different age and gender groups in the Sinsibai Community in Western Highlands Province, PNG

Lorelle Yakam
Matthias Miti
Emelda Ariku
Allen Sumb
Philip Gibbs

Divine Word University (DWU) and DKA Austria are working together to identify the social perspectives of different age and gender groups in four communities from three provinces of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Four broad themes structure the analysis: 1) Marginalization and exclusion; 2) Influence of modernization on culture and traditions; 3) Violence in the community and families; and 4) Intergenerational conflict. In March 2022, a study was conducted in Sinsibai, Western Highlands Province as part of this project. The study draws on individual interviews, focus group discussions, questionnaires, surveys, and activities to
identify perspectives from different age and gender groups, on social issues affecting their community. In total, 203 participants were involved in the study, comprising of 91 children, 77 adults, 10 young adults, and 25 grade 11 high school students. The study documents stories of safety and concerns, and hopes for the future for each gender and age group. The data generated from this project can be of use and interest to a range of audience, from the community to government and non-government agencies. The paper concludes with the authors’ fieldwork reflections.

Research Type(s)
Journal Article
July 18, 2023
Published in

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