This study investigates the intricate balance between women’s economic empowerment and socio-cultural empowerment within the context of community-based tourism. Specifically, it focuses on the case of Biausevu, Fiji, a community heavily dependent on tourism for its economic sustenance. A survey was executed to gather data, engaging a sample of 32 participants, representing roughly 60 percent of women in the community. Employing logit and Probit regression methodology, the study analyzed the interplay of factors influencing women’s empowerment. The findings underscored that income derived from tourism and the resultant enhancement in quality of life significantly contribute to women’s economic empowerment. However, it also revealed a potential downside: an over-reliance on tourism could impede socio-cultural empowerment facets. Incorporating insights from sustainable development goal five SDG -5, this study advocates for an integrated approach to women’s empowerment. It emphasizes the need for policies that balance economic gains from tourism with preserving and promoting socio-cultural values.