National Study on Domestic Violence Against Women in Tonga 2009

Henrica Jansen
Seu’ula Johansson-Fua
Betty Hafoka-Blake
Gabriella Renee ‘Ilolahia

Violence against women (VAW) is a global problem that crosses cultural, geographic, religious, social and economic boundaries and is a violation of human rights. Violence against women deprives women of their right to fully take part in social and economic life. It causes a myriad of physical and mental health issues and in some cases results in loss of life. A lack of understanding of the magnitude of VAW, its causes and consequences, and the trends and patterns across cultures and countries, including the Pacific, hinders the development of efforts to address it. Up until now, very little has been known about the prevalence and patterns of VAW and domestic violence in Tonga, and there has been a real need for evidence to learn more about the prevalence, causes and consequences of AW, and in particular to inform policy directions. To address this lack of data, Ma`a Fafine mo e Famili Inc. (MFF) initiated a research project on understanding violence against women in this country. In 2008, MFF was awarded funding from AusAID to conduct a study. This marked the first time a large-scale quantitative and qualitative study on this topic was conducted in Tonga.

Research Type(s)
Report – Not peer reviewed
Submitted by Toksave
March 22, 2021
Published in

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