In many Pacific Island Countries, mangroves deliver ecosystem goods and services that are essential to the livelihoods of local people. For coastal and rural communities throughout Fiji, it is common for women to be the main caretakers of mangroves, and to access and utilise their resources on a regular basis. This paper explores local perspectives of Fijian men and women on the use, benefit and value of mangrove ecosystems. Across six rural villages within the Bua Province, Fiji, a series of semi-structured household interviews (n = 41) were undertaken, coupled with participant observation. These findings provide insights into how gender roles influence the ways people value and interact with local ecosystems. This paper concludes with a call to incorporate gender into ecosystem-service valuation and management interventions so that they can produce sustainable and equitable livelihood outcomes.
-Mangroves linked to all 7 capitals of Community Capitals Framework in Fijian villages.
-iTaukei women are perceived as key knowledge holders on mangroves.
-Men were more aware of mangrove ecosystem services under natural capital.
-Women held more knowledge on socio-cultural values of mangroves.