This paper has been commissioned by the Australian Council for International Development’s (ACFID) Development Practice Committee. It was commissioned over a short period in the lead up to ACFID’s 2021 conference, and because of the timeframe it is not a comprehensive review of the international literature and practice of decolonisation and locally led work. Rather, it presents a set of practical options for furthering the decolonisation and locally led agendas in shared development work in the Pacific. It includes a question set for individuals to work through to reflect on their personal positioning on these issues, a set of practical proposals for trialling at individual and organisational levels, and a set of more broad-brush proposals for systemic interventions. The paper provides a range of possible actions for individuals and organisations to consider. They are intended for consideration by whole-of- organisation, not just program staff. People may choose to take up one, five or ten suggestions, combine and adapt them, and share their learning on how well they worked (or didn’t). We are not suggesting that all these suggestions should be acted on by all organisations/individuals. The
suggestions in the paper are specific to development work in the Pacific, but we hope they will be adaptable and useful for work in other geographies.