Community-based Adaptation: Enhancing Community Adaptive Capacity in Druadrua Island, Fiji

Patrina Dumaru

This article describes the process and outcomes of a pilot community-based adaptation (CBA) project implemented on Druadrua Island in Fiji. Although many people promote the use of CBA, written material about the topic is limited and poorly informed by theory or evidence. This article aims to contribute to the literature on CBA by describing the theory and process used to implement a CBA project and the changes that resulted in a small island community in the northeastern part of Fiji. The project outcomes include a renewed focus on community adaptive management of natural resources, increased awareness of climate change, and an increase in the community’s access to resources from external organizations. The article concludes with a summary of lessons learned and recommendations for future CBA projects.

Research Type(s)
Journal Article
Submitted by Toksave
March 21, 2021
Published in
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