A synthesis of substantive national review reports and completed questionnaires submitted by Pacific Island countries and territories (PICT) governments for the Beijing+25 review process. The reports cover implementation efforts, data, analyses, insights and acknowledgements of shortcomings, and reflect genuine commitment by PICTs to the Beijing Platform for Action. This synthesis report is produced every five years by the Pacific Community (SPC).
The report is available in English, and a summary report is available in English and French:
Beijing+25: Review of progress in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action in Pacific Island countries and territories (English)
Beijing+25: A summary of the review of progress in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action in Pacific Island countries and territories (Summary report in English)
- Beijing+25 : Synthèse de l’évaluation des progrès accomplis dans la mise en œuvre du Programme d’action de Beijing dans les États et Territoires insulaires océaniens (Summary report in French)