Population and Development Profiles: Pacific Islands Countries

United Nations Population Fund 

This report contains population and demographic data and development profiles for 15 Pacific countries.

Four of these countries (Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) are classified as Least Developed Countries (LDCs). All of these countries are politically independent, as are Fiji, Nauru and Tonga. Three countries (Palau, Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia) are associated to the United States through a Compact of Free Association. Two countries (Cook Islands and Niue) are self governing in free association with New Zealand, and the Tokelau Islands.

The political status of each of the 15 countries has important consequences for both demographic dynamics and the level of development and how they are linked.

With respect to the national prevalence of violence against women, the data was generated using WHO household survey methodology, with UNFPA technical support, in a majority of the Pacific countries. The primary data source for the core population indicators is the respective national census reports, although other national sources such as Demographic Health Surveys have also been used where appropriate.

Research Type(s)
UN/IGO Document
Submitted by Toksave
March 25, 2021
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