In Brief: Gender, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

UN Women

Climate change is a real and growing threat to livelihoods, cultures, ecosystems and lives in the Pacific region. Gender and climate change are closely linked issues. Women, girls, boys, and men have different roles and responsibilities within their families and communities. As a result, each of these groups is differently affected by, and has different abilities to adapt to, the effects of climate change; and has different skills and knowledge to contribute.

Overlooking gender can seriously weaken the outcomes of climate change and disaster risk management initiatives. Climate change is one of the most urgent issues affecting Pacific Island Countries. Effects are likely to include an increase in the number and severity of extreme weather events and disasters, rising sea levels and coastal erosion, water salinization, coral bleaching and ocean warming, reduced fish stocks, and reduction in crop yields. Impacts include reduced food security, loss of lives and livelihoods, reduced access to arable land, reduced availability of clean water, and increased disease.

Research Type(s)
UN/IGO Document
Submitted by Toksave
March 25, 2021
Published in
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