This is the combined Initial, Second and Third reports of the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu. As required by Article 18 of the Convention, Vanuatu should have presented its Initial Report in 1996.This was not done and problems relating to Reporting Obligations of States Parties will be covered under Article 18. This Report was produced under the guidance of the Vanuatu CEDAW Committee appointed by the Honourable Prime Minister in April 2003 comprising eight women and five men representing both Government and Non-Government Organizations. The project team was housed in the Department of Women’s Affairs under the auspices of the Office of the Prime Minister. Wide consultation was undertaken throughout the country with the cooperation of the Provincial and Municipal Councils, Non-Government Organizations, civil society organizations including women’s groups, chiefs, youths, unions, churches and individuals in order to obtain as many differing and common views from women and men in rural and urban Vanuatu. This Report is a result of that collaborative effort by the people of Vanuatu.