Pacific Women program activities support the Bougainville Gender Investment Plan, which prioritises the following objectives:
• Reducing family and sexual violence and assist survivors of violence.
• Strengthen women’s leadership.
• Improve women’s economic opportunities.
This report includes the following highlights:
• The Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation’s support to 323 people through three safe houses and the Men’s Hub, and training for 247 women human rights defenders and 123 male advocates who are working in their communities to advocate for human rights and help survivors of violence.
• The Voter Education project reached 43,760 people in 506 communities to improve their understanding of election processes and increase their commitment to voting.
• Research conducted in Bougainville and published this year found that in order to achieve real change to women’s economic situation, we need to work with men and challenge the gender norms that increase work burdens and potentially place women at greater risk of harm.