Assessment of the State of Violence Against Women


Over the last 20 years, violence against women (VAW) has been increasingly recognized as major health, human rights and development issues. The Secretary General’s In-depth Study on all forms of violence against women (A/61/122/Add.1, and Cor.1) recommends intensified action to eliminate violence against women at all levels. The General Assembly’s resolution urges United Nations (UN) entities to enhance coordination and intensify their efforts to eliminate violence against women in a more systematic, comprehensive and sustained way. It further calls upon UN entities to extend coordinated efforts to assist States in their efforts to eliminate violence against women. For this coordinated effort in assistance to States against violence against women to become a reality, a programme has been initiated for 10 pilot countries including Burkina Faso and Rwanda for Africa, Jamaica in the Caribbean, Paraguay and Chile for Central America, Fiji for the Pacific, the Philippines for Asia, Jordan and Yemen for the Middle East, and Kyrgyzstan for Central Asia. The task force will assist States through supporting comprehensive national approaches against violence against women, for example in designing and implementing national action plans and other relevant programmes. Prior to this, a country assessment on violence against women is a priority. It is within this framework that this country assessment on violence against women has been undertaken. The Fiji country assessment on VAW will emphasize the nature and extent of the following issues: The forms of violence that exist, who the victims and perpetrators are, and what the consequences entail; The relevant policies and laws that exist; The stakeholders involved and their respective capacities; challenges and gaps in addressing violence against women; and ;The identification of priorities for interventions.

Research Type(s)
UN/IGO Document
Submitted by Toksave
March 25, 2021
Published in

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