

Call for Abstracts | Pacific people’s perspectives on foreign aid and development


Guest editors for this special issue of the Development Policy Review journal: Nayahamui Rooney, Terence Wood and Regina Scheyvens.

The guest editors are seeking to publish the voices of Pacific Island scholars on aid and development in their region in a special issue of Development Policy Review. They welcome short articles, informed by research and personal experience, on how aid, and development more generally, is affecting the lives of people in the countries they are from.

Abstracts are welcomed from scholars in and of the Pacific Islands, whose scholarship or work engages with foreign aid and development or whose work intersects with the foreign aid and development sector. The guest editors are seeking diverse Pacific Island perspectives on foreign aid and development and as such, contributors might like to ask other questions that differ from those we have posed above.  They encourage grounded perspectives based on specific examples or research undertaken in the Pacific that can provide insights on these issues.

This special issue will be made up of Short Articles. Articles will normally be about 1,500 words in length but can be up to 3,000 words. Initially, 300 word abstracts are required.

Abstract deadline: Friday 18 November 2022

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